Milwaukee Lakefront Fireworks
If you know of a fireworks display in your area, please go ahead and send it to me (with as much info as you can) via email. If there's a website URL, even better! I and your community sure would appreciate it!
Veterans Park
City/State/Zip: Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
County: Milwaukee County
Event Website: Click Here!
The Fireworks Kite Festival runs from 11:00AM to 7:00PM. Bring your own kite or buy one at the Gift of Wings kite store. Beer Stands. Get there early, it’ll be packed and at some point they stop allowing cars to get close. And they need volunteers to help with the cleanup!
Parking info: Parking operations at the lakefront will begin at 6 a.m. on July 3. All lots can be accessed from Lincoln Memorial Drive and are first-come, first-served. There are no in-out privileges once a vehicle enters the grounds. All vehicles are asked to leave the grounds after the fireworks display has concluded. Absolutely NO overnight parking is allowed–the 2nd or the 3rd.
Note: I am not affiliated with this event, I only list them; if you have a specific question, please use the contact information provided to get in touch with them directly